You want more than just any old lubricant.

Your operation depends on quality lubricants.

Although that starts with the distributor you choose, quality control is a responsibility you must take seriously. Otherwise, you could spend more time putting out fires instead of meeting quotas.

As you consider elevating your quality control process, keep these five strategies in mind:

Check Your Drums

Mistakes happen. However, following a strict quality control process can prevent one mistake from becoming multiple mistakes. The number will vary based on your distributor, but as many as six out of 100 drums could be mislabeled. Don’t just assume you received what you ordered. Take the time to check.

Inspect Your Packaging

You’ll see the occasional leak or bleed. These can be difficult to catch, but you want to know as soon as possible. In addition to creating a mess and opening the door for contaminants, leaks throw off the balance of your lubricants. When that happens, you don’t have a clear idea of what is entering your machinery.

Conduct Your Analysis

Depending on the size of your operation, you may or may not have an onsite lab. Although you’ll have to work within your capabilities, it’s important to remember that, while you may not be responsible for what comes through your doors, you are responsible for what goes through your machines. Simple analysis prevents future headaches. Even a simple tool like a viscosity comparator can help.

Optimize Your Area

Your lubricant storage area is likely a microcosm of your entire process. If it’s disorganized, messy, and haphazard, your quality control system is likely the same. A great first step is to immediately move the delivered lubricants to the correct storage location. From there, it’s helpful to follow the 5S methodology: sort, straighten, shine, standardize, and sustain.

Post Your Procedures

Repetition creates habits. Even if you have full confidence in your team, post procedures where they are seen easily as well as often. Make the steps as clear and concise as possible. After all, team members come and go. You want everyone on the same page. Constant reinforcement helps ensure consistency.

Quality control is a responsibility that too many managers take lightly. You can avoid that trap by taking the necessary steps now.


GPI partners with a number of vendors like RIG, Filtroil, Mobil, and Des-Case to optimize oil cleanliness and keep your equipment running.

You know your business. We know oil. If you have any questions or if you would like to talk to our team of experts, contact General Petroleum today.