Metalworking fluids offer your business a variety of competitive advantages that ultimately impact your bottom line. 

These vital fluids can:

  • Preserve tool life through cooling

  • Remove potential interference (such as chips)

  • Protect machined parts from corrosion

However, the reality is these fluids can become contaminated or degrade over time. To maintain both the health of your business and the health of your people, here are five strategies to keep in mind.

Prevent Any Contamination

Sources of contamination are everywhere, which is why vigilance is essential. Otherwise, you could encourage the type of organic growth you don’t want. Common sources include tramp oil and cleaning products. It is recommended that you record and monitor levels of coolant concentration, pH, bacteria, and fungus. When necessary, take corrective measures.

Contamination is also possible based simply on the water you use. Avoid stagnant sources such as fire hoses or header tanks.

Manage Your Inventory

A great rule of thumb is the first in, first out inventory control policy. The last thing you want is to use new fluids as others slowly expire. This can also help prevent nitrosamines from forming due to their long storage life.

Keep Everything Clean

Sometimes the best strategies are the most simple. Keep things clean. This includes your equipment, the floor, and the working environment as a whole. In addition, any spills should be addressed as quickly as possible.

When the time comes to replace your metalworking fluids, it’s important to clean the entire system. Among other benefits, this deep cleaning can remove bacterial deposits.

Prioritize The Storage

Storage is a key component that is often overlooked. This includes transportation to and from your facility. Ideally, these fluids should be stored indoors to protect them from the elements and avoid direct sunlight. To protect your fluids from freezing, store them in a temperature-controlled area, with an ideal temperature range between 41°F - 95°F.

Maintain Your Resources

It’s also helpful to keep a library of Safety Data Sheets (SDS). These provide helpful information about the components of your fluid as well as any safety information.


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